sole connection

Reflexology is a hands on complementary therapy that's been around for thousands of years with roots from around the world.
There are zones on our feet and hands that correspond to every gland, organ and area within our body and by using techniques and pressure on specific points we can encourage the body to ease into a healing response. My intention through holding this space for you is to provide some rest and relaxation. An hour of pause, for renewal and rejuvenation, to be tended to, so you may step back into the world with a little more lightness and ease moving forward.

Ready to Book in?

Reflexology sessions are included with your doula package. Although, my primary focus is on reproductive and maternal wellness I invite all who are interested in booking with me to reach out. You can find me at 95 Manitoba St unit 3 in Bracebridge Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Mobile sessions may be arranged as well.

I look forward to hearing from you!

benefits of reflexology

promote balance of hormones
support healthy sleep
ease digestion
deep relaxation
promote body's ability to heal
stimulate metabolism
improve circulation support immune system
complementary to other medical modalities

Benefits for Reproduction and Childbearing


fertility and reproductive wellness

Your body loves you. It really does. Sometimes when facing uncertainties it can feel really good to spend some time in a space for you to reconnect and take care.

When receiving during preconception and suspected / diagnosed reproductive conditions reflexology can

aid in regulation of hormones optimize balance within the body clear stress and un-ease promote “rest and digest” (parasympathetic nervous system) hold space for loving bodily connection


prenatal / birth

You body is changing, perhaps even more than you had anticipated, and it seems as though there are new sensations, aches and uncomfortable areas every day. Reflexology can ease many of the common ailments throughout pregnancy by:

improving quality of sleep easing morning sickness, edema, circulation, digestion and elimination supporting the nervous system feeling grounded and a sense of wellbeing


I am here alongside as we reclaim this time for deep rest and healing. Reflexology is a wonderful way to embrace this time to:

promote digestion and circulation encourage homeostasis and support healthy hormone cycles reduce edema bring your body back into aligned nervous system. promote skin to skin with babe while you receive reflexology




60 min session

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 95 Manitoba St (unit3) Bracebridge.


Full Moon Package

A month long promise to yourself or a loved one. Weekly reflexology sessions for a month of tenderness for whomever may be going through a tender transitional time. For example - preconception, reproductive wellness, final weeks of pregnancy, first month of postpartum, an unexpected end of pregnancy. Includes 4 sessions.


Bliss Session

A truly holistic experience. A full reflexology session followed by a half an hour of Reiki. 1.5 hours.


Spa Session

You will be welcomed into your session with spa melodies, an herbal foot soak and a choice of herbal tea. When ready, you will be well supported into transitioning into a comfortable position where you will be offered a castor oil pack. Warm castor oil and a hot water bottle will be placed over your womb or your liver for healing, detoxification, and improved circulation. Once comfortable, an eye pillow, (choice of lavender scented or unscented flax seed) will be placed over your eyes and you will drift into bliss within the most well supported, nourishing reflexology and lower leg massage for your whole being.

* there will be a 13% hst in addition to this price


childbirth education

